Source code for

import os
from typing import List

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks

from barrage import logger

DATASET = "dataset"
BEST_CHECKPOINT = "best_checkpoint"
BEST_MODEL = "model_best.ckpt"
RESUME_CHECKPOINTS = "resume_checkpoints"
RESUME_MODEL = "model_epoch_{epoch:04d}.ckpt"
TENSORBOARD = "TensorBoard"
CSV_LOGGER_FILENAME = "training_report.csv"

[docs]def make_artifact_dir(artifact_dir: str): """Make the artifact directory and all required subdirectories. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. Raises: OSError, artifact_dir already exists. """ if os.path.isdir(artifact_dir): raise OSError(f"artifact_dir: {artifact_dir} already exists") os.mkdir(artifact_dir) for subdir in REQUIRED_SUBDIRS: os.mkdir(os.path.join(artifact_dir, subdir))
[docs]def create_all_services( artifact_dir: str, cfg_services: dict ) -> List[callbacks.Callback]: """Create all services (callbacks). Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. cfg_services: dict, services subsection of config. Returns: list[Callback], all services. """ return [ _create_best_checkpoint(artifact_dir, cfg_services), _create_resume_checkpoint(artifact_dir), _create_tensorboard(artifact_dir, cfg_services), _create_csv_logger(artifact_dir), _create_train_early_stopping(cfg_services), _create_validation_early_stopping(cfg_services), callbacks.TerminateOnNaN(), ]
def _create_best_checkpoint( artifact_dir: str, cfg_services: dict ) -> callbacks.ModelCheckpoint: """Create a callback that saves the best model. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. cfg_services: dict, services subsection of config. Returns: ModelCheckpoint, callback that saves the best model. """ checkpoint_params = cfg_services["best_checkpoint"] checkpoint_params["monitor"] = _force_monitor_to_mode( checkpoint_params["monitor"], True, "best_checkpoint" ) filepath = get_best_checkpoint_filepath(artifact_dir) return callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=filepath, monitor=checkpoint_params["monitor"], mode=checkpoint_params["mode"], verbose=1, save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True, ) def _create_resume_checkpoint(artifact_dir: str) -> callbacks.ModelCheckpoint: """Create a callback that saves the model every epoch. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. Returns: ModelCheckpoint, callback that saves the model every epoch. """ filepath = get_resume_checkpoints_filepath(artifact_dir) return callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath=filepath, monitor="val_loss", mode="min", verbose=0, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=True, ) def _create_tensorboard(artifact_dir: str, cfg_services: dict) -> callbacks.TensorBoard: """Create a TensorBoard callback. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. cfg_services: dict, services subsection of config. Returns: TensorBoard, Tensorboard callback. """ tensorboard_params = cfg_services["tensorboard"] if "log_dir" in tensorboard_params: logger.warning("'log_dir' automatically handled for 'tensorboard' service") tensorboard_params["log_dir"] = os.path.join(artifact_dir, TENSORBOARD) return callbacks.TensorBoard(**tensorboard_params) def _create_csv_logger(artifact_dir: str) -> callbacks.CSVLogger: """Create a CSVLogger callback. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. Returns: CSVLogger, CSVLogger callbackk. """ filename = os.path.join(artifact_dir, CSV_LOGGER_FILENAME) return callbacks.CSVLogger(filename=filename, separator=",", append=True) def _create_train_early_stopping(cfg_services: dict) -> callbacks.EarlyStopping: """Create an early stopping callback that monitors a training 'metric'. Args: cfg_services: dict, services subsection of config. Returns: EarlyStopping, EarlyStopping callback that monitors a training 'metric'. """ early_stopping_params = cfg_services["train_early_stopping"] early_stopping_params["monitor"] = _force_monitor_to_mode( early_stopping_params["monitor"], False, "train_early_stopping" ) return callbacks.EarlyStopping(**early_stopping_params) def _create_validation_early_stopping(cfg_services: dict) -> callbacks.EarlyStopping: """Create an early stopping callback that monitors a validation 'metric'. Args: cfg_services: dict, services subsection of config. Returns: EarlyStopping, EarlyStopping callback that monitors a validation 'metric'. """ early_stopping_params = cfg_services["validation_early_stopping"] early_stopping_params["monitor"] = _force_monitor_to_mode( early_stopping_params["monitor"], True, "validation_early_stopping" ) return callbacks.EarlyStopping(**early_stopping_params)
[docs]def get_best_checkpoint_filepath(artifact_dir: str) -> str: """Get the filepath for the best checkpoint. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. Returns: str, filepath for best checkpoint directory. """ return os.path.join(artifact_dir, BEST_CHECKPOINT, BEST_MODEL)
[docs]def get_resume_checkpoints_filepath(artifact_dir: str) -> str: """Get the filepath for the resume checkpoints. Args: artifact_dir: str, path to artifact directory. Returns: str, filepath for resume checkpoints. """ return os.path.join(artifact_dir, RESUME_CHECKPOINTS, RESUME_MODEL)
def _force_monitor_to_mode(monitor: str, to_val: bool, service_name: str) -> str: """Force a monitor quantity to either train or validation mode. For example 'loss' - train, 'val_loss' - validation. Args: monitor: str, metric to monitor. to_val: bool, validation if true, else false. service_name: str, corresponding service (for warning purposes). Returns: str, monitor maybe forced. """ if to_val and not monitor.startswith("val_"): monitor = f"val_{monitor}" logger.warning( f"corrected 'monitor' to validation verison: {monitor} " f"for service: {service_name}" ) elif not to_val and monitor.startswith("val_"): monitor = monitor[4:] logger.warning( f"corrected 'monitor' to train verison: {monitor} " f"for service: {service_name}" ) return monitor