Barrage Dataset

Barrage datasets are flexible, performant, and powerful data iterators build around records - list of dictionaries. For smaller datasets it is often convenient for each record to contain a direct mapping to the underlying data. For larger datasets each record can simply contain paths or references to where the data is actually stored.

Datasets are comprised of three components:

  1. Loaders: load an individual record.

  2. Transformers: fit transforms and apply them at batch time.

  3. Augmentor: apply a chain of augmentation functions.

Datasets support the following input record types:

  1. List of dictionaries

  2. Pandas DataFrames


TensorFlow.Keras has a lot of data type API combinations that can be used with whether it be dicts, numpy arrays, tensors, generators, sequences, etc..

Barrage uses the dicts + sequences API for several key reasons:

  1. dicts are the preferred API - using lists with multi input and multi output is error prone and inevitably leads to order mismatch.

  2. Everything is a sequence - irrelevant for small datasets but an absolute necessity for large datasets.

  3. Single API - sequence regardless of data size and dicts regardless of single/multi input/output.

Note: All input and output network layers must be named. The output layer names are required in the config to associate loss functions and metrics. The input layer names are required for the loader.

System Diagram

Barrage supports 3 modes of data:

from barrage.api import RecordMode


Before deep learning training begins, the transformer does a first pass over the train dataset to fit transforms:


After deep learning training begins, the transformer applies the transform in conjunction with loading and augmentation:


Data Types

Data types are critical at each hand-off between components. Here is a summary of the data types:

InputRecords: a list of dictionaries or a Pandas DataFrame converted to Records:

# Example: list of dicts
records = [{"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "y": 0}, {"x1": 2, "x2": 1, "y": 1}]

# Example: Pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd

records = pd.DataFrame([{"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "y": 0}, {"x1": 2, "x2": 1, "y": 1}])

Record: a dictionary that can be loaded into a Data Record.

# Example: in memory
record = {"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "y": 0}

# Example: on disk
record = {"filepath": "/tmp/bear.jpg", "label": "bear"}

Records: are a list of dictionaries that can each be loaded into a Data Record.

# Example: in memory
records = [{"x1": 1, "x2": 2, "y": 0}, {"x1": 2, "x2": 1, "y": 1}]

# Example: on disk
records = [{"filepath": "/tmp/cat.jpg", "label": "cat"}, {"filepath": "/tmp/dog.jpg", "label": "dog"}]

Data Record: a tuple of dictionaries of arrays comprising a single element of a TensorFlow.Keras batch.

import numpy as np

# Example: two inputs, single output
x = {"network_input_1": np.array([1, 2, 3]), "network_input_2": np.array([4])}
y = {"network_output_1": np.array([0, 1])}
w = {"network_output_1": np.array([4])}

data_record_train = (x, y)  # or (x, y, w) if sample weights
data_record_validation = (x, y)  # or (x, y, w) if sample weights
data_record_score = (x,)

Batch Data Records: are a stacked tuple of dictionaries of arrays comprising an entire batch.

import numpy as np

# Example: two records, two inputs, single output
x = {"network_input_1": np.array([[1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7]]), "network_input_2": np.array([[4], [5]])}
y = {"network_output_1": np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])}
w = {"network_output_1": np.array([[4],[2]])}

batch_data_record_train = (x, y)  # or (x, y, w) if sample weights
batch_data_record_validation = (x, y)  # or (x, y, w) if sample weights
batch_data_record_score = (x,)

Record Score: is a dictionary of arrays comprising a single elements output from predict.

import numpy as np

# Example: single output
record_score =  {"network_output_1": np.array([0.1, 0.9])}

Batch Record Scores: are a list of dictionary of arrays comprising an entire batch output predict.

import numpy as np

# Example: two records, single output
batch_records_score =  [{"network_output_1": np.array([0.1, 0.9])}, {"network_output_1": np.array([0.7, 0.3])}]

Component Action

Input Data Type

Output Data Type


Input Records




Data Record…)




Data Record

Data Record


Record Score

Record Score


Data Record

Data Record

Note: the underlying dataset implementation stacks Data Records into Batch Data Records and Record Score into Batch Record Scores automatically.

Example Text Classification:

  1. Loader:

    1. Input Data - load a text file or select text key.

    2. Output Data - select label key.

  2. Transformer:

    1. Fit - vocabulary to all training records, iterating over records.

    2. Pass - vocabulary size to network builder.

    3. Score - tokenize, pad text sequences, encoding.

Example Time Series Regression:

  1. Loader:

    1. Input Data - load input stream(s) file(s) or select key(s).

    2. Output Data - load output stream(s) file(s) or select key(s).

  2. Transformer:

    1. Fit - mean variance normalization to all training records, iterating over records.

    2. Score - mean variance normalize to record.

    3. Postprocess - undo mean variance normalization to records.

  3. Augmentor:

    1. Add Gaussian noise.

    2. Phase shift.

    3. etc…


The loader takes a record (Record) and transforms it into a Data Record. This could be as simple as directly indexing the key’s of the Record or loading a filepath stored in the Record.

Base Class

from barrage.api import RecordLoader

RecordLoader is an abstract base class with property self.mode (RecordMode). To write a new RecordLoader implement the abstract load method:

def load(self, record: Record) -> DataRecord:  # pragma: no cover
    """Method for loading a record into DataRecord.

        record: Record, record.

        DataRecord, data record.
    raise NotImplementedError()


Barrage has a single built-in loader: KeySelector.


  "inputs": {input_layer_name: key or [keys], ...}
  "outputs": {output_layer_names: key or [keys], ...}
  "sample_weights": {output_layer_name: key, ...} or None


The transformer is responsible for fitting transforms to training data, applying transforms at batch time, passing network params, and undoing scoring.

Base Class

from barrage.api import RecordTransformer

RecordTransformer is an abstract base class with property self.mode (RecordMode). In addition, it has self.loader a handle to the RecordLoader which allows the RecordTransformer to be agnostic to how the data was stored by the user. To write a new RecordTransformer implement the fit, transform, postprocess, save, and load methods:

def fit(self, records: Records):  # pragma: no cover
    """Fit transform to records.

        records: Records, records.
    raise NotImplementedError()

def transform(self, data_record: DataRecord) -> DataRecord:  # pragma: no cover
    """Apply transform to a data record.

        data_record: DataRecord, data record.

        DataRecord, data record.
    raise NotImplementedError()

def postprocess(self, score: RecordScore) -> RecordScore:  # pragma: no cover
    """Postprocess score to undo transform.

        score: RecordScore, record output from net.

        RecordScore, postprocessed record output from net.
    raise NotImplementedError()

def load(self, path: str):  # pragma: no cover
    """Load transformer.

        path: str.
    raise NotImplementedError()

def save(self, path: str):  # pragma: no cover
    """Save transformer.

        path: str.
    raise NotImplementedError()

Setting self.network_params = dict passes the network_params to the network builder in addition to the params from the config.

For example:

"model": {
  "network": {
    "import": "",
    "params": {
      "num_dense": 7,
      "dense_dim": 200
# all params = {"num_dense": 7, "dense_dim": 200} & network_params
network = model.build_network(cfg["model"], transformer.network_params)


The IdentityTransformer guarantees that every model has a transformer and is the config default. The fit method does nothing, the transform method returns the Data Record unchanged, and the postprocess method return the Data Record.


The augmentor applies a chain of augmentation functions. The first argument is always the output of the previous function.

For example consider the config:

"augmentor": [
    "import": "placeholder.augment_1",
    "params": {
      "hello": "world"
    "import": "placeholder.augment_2",
    "import": "placeholder.augment_3",
    "params": {
      "num": 42
      "s": "foo bar"

is equivalent to the following code:

from placeholder import augment_1, augment_2, augment_3

augmented_record = augment_3(augment_2(augment_1(data_record, hello="world")), num=42, s="foo bar")