Barrage Config

Configs serve a central role in Barrage. They are an entire recipe for a deep learning model - comprised of the components (e.g. etl classes, TensorFlow metrics, TensorFlow optimizers, etc…), with auto-configuring defaults and best practices, and serve as instructions for the underlying Barrage engine to orchestrate training and scoring.

Configs are broken into four distinct sections:

  1. dataset: define how to load, transform, augment a dataset.

  2. model: define the model structure, metrics, losses, loss weights, etc…

  3. solver: define the optimizer and learning rate scheduling.

  4. services: define the underlying artifacting and configure best practices.

Note: It is highly recommended (but not required) to use a container (e.g. Docker) to version the entire environment because it enables the user to exactly reproduce the environment used to train the model at scoring time (and or deployment time).


Components are imported via their python paths in the config.

An import block in the config is defined as such:

  "import": str (required python path),
  "params": dict (optional params)

Let’s consider several examples where a config import is translated into python code:

  • A custom user class:

  "import":  "placeholder.path.MyClass"
  "params": {
    "a": "hello world",
    "b": 42
from placeholder.path import MyClass

MyClass(a="hello world", b=42)
  • A custom user function:

  "import":  "sample.my_func"
from sample import my_func

# params are optional, none passed by the config

The above strategy additionally works for TensorFlow imports but can lead to verbose python paths (e.g. tensorflow.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy). The following import shorthands are adopt for all TensorFlow imports (e.g metrics, loss, optimizers, schedulers, etc…):

# Respect TensorFlow string aliases
"categorical_crossentropy" == "tensorflow.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy"

# Search TensorFlow paths automatically
"Adam" == "tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.adam.Adam" == "tensorflow.keras.optimizers.Adam"

In addition in the dataset section of the config, the following import shorthands are adopted (e.g. loaders, transformers, etc..):

# Search barrage.dataset paths
"KeySelector" == "barrage.dataset.KeySelector"

Config Section: dataset

dataset configures the following:

  1. loader

  2. transformer

  3. augmentor


"dataset": {
  "loader": {
    "import": string,
    "params": dict  // optional
  "transformer": {
    "import": string,
    "params": dict  // optional
  "augmentor": [  // optional
      "import": string,
      "params": dict  // optional
  "sample_count": string,  //optional
  "seed": int  // optional


"dataset": {
  "transformer": {
    "import": "IdentityTransformer"
  "augmentor": []


  • dataset: import a class derived from barrage.dataset.RecordLoader.

  • transformer: import a class derived from barrage.dataset.RecordTransformer.

  • augmentor: list of augmentation functions to import and apply in sequential order.

  • sample_count: name of a key that contains integer counts that represent the number of times to put a sample in an epoch.

  • seed: numpy random seed.

Config Section: model

model configures the following:

  1. network architecture

  2. loss functions and loss weights

  3. metrics


"model": {
  "network": {
    "import": string,
    "params": dict  // optional
  "outputs": [
    "name": string,
    "loss": {
      "import": string,
      "params": dict  // optional
    "loss_weight": float, // required if len(outputs) > 1
    "metrics": [  // optional
        "import": string,
        "params": dict  // optional
    "sample_weight_mode": str //optional


"model": {}


  • network: import a function that returns a tensorflow.python.keras.Model.

  • string that must match an output name from the Model return by network.

  • outputs.loss: import a loss (must be v2 loss class compliant).

  • outputs.loss_weight: loss weight for a multi output network.

  • outputs.metrics: import a list of metrics (must be v2 metric or loss class compliant).

  • outputs.sample_weight_mode: sample weight mode.

Config Section: solver

solver configures the following:

  1. optimizer

  2. learning rate scheduling technique

  3. batch size

  4. epochs


"solver": {
  "optimizer": {  // optional, all or none
    "import": string,  // required
    "learning_rate": float or import block  // required
    "params": dict  // optional
  "batch_size": int,  // optional
  "epochs": int,  // optional
  "steps": int,  // optional
  "learning_rate_reducer": {
      "monitor": string,
      "mode": "min" or "max",
      "patience": int,
      "factor": float
      // optional additional ReduceLROnPlateau callback  params

Note: mode =  "auto" is not supported.


"solver": {
  "optimizer": {
    "import": "Adam",
    "learning_rate": 1e-3,
    "params": {}
  "batch_size": 32,
  "epochs": 10


  • optimizer: import a TensorFlow optimizer (must be compatible with v2 optimizer class).

  • optimizer.learning_rate: can be a float or an import block to a schedule (must be compatible with v2 schedule class)

// float
"learning_rate": 1e-3

// import block
"learning_rate": {
  "import": "ExponentialDecay",
  "params": {
    "initial_learning_rate": 1e-3,
    "decay_steps": 100,
    "decay_rate": 0.99,
  • batch_size: batch size.

  • epochs: number of epochs to train.

  • steps: modify the length of an epoch to steps batches. Can be used to shorten or lengthen an epoch.

  • learning_rate_reducer: defines params for an ReduceLROnPlateua callback:

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks


Config Section: services

services automatically configures the following best practices with default settings:

  1. the best graph should be saved and it should be derived by the performance on a validation metric and not a training metric (e.g. val_loss vs. loss)

  2. after every checkpoint interval the graph should be saved.

  3. TensorBoard should be automatically setup.

  4. if training loss is not changing -> early stop.

  5. if the validation metric that is monitored is not changing -> early stop.

Note: Early stopping has the potential to prematurely terminate a train even when loss or val_loss may continue to improve later (e.g. learning rate scheduling). To avoid this issue, the defaults have been generously set for a large number of checkpoint intervals and a very lax improvement condition (near floating point precision).


"services": {
    "best_checkpoint": {  // optional, all or none
      "monitor": string,
      "mode": "min" or "max"
    "tensorboard": dict,  // optional TensorBoard callback params
    "train_early_stopping": {  // optional, all or none
      "monitor": string,
      "mode": "min" or "max",
      "patience": int,
      "min_delta": float
      // optional additional EarlyStopping callback params
    "validation_early_stopping": {  // optional, all or none
      "monitor": string,
      "mode": "min" or "max",
      "patience": int,
      "min_delta": float
      // optional additional EarlyStopping callback params

Note: mode =  "auto" is not supported.


"services": {
    "best_checkpoint": {
      "monitor": "val_loss",
      "mode": "min"
    "tensorboard": {},
    "train_early_stopping": {
      "monitor": "val_loss",
      "mode": "min",
      "patience": 10,
      "min_delta": 1e-5,
      "verbose": 1
    "validation_early_stopping": {
      "monitor": "val_loss",
      "mode": "min",
      "min_delta": float,
      "min_delta": 1e-5,
      "verbose": 1


  • best_checkpoint: defines a ModelCheckpoint callback where save_best_only=True:

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks

callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=..., **cfg["services"]["best_checkpoint"], save_best_only=True)
  • tensorboard: defines params for a TensorBoard callback (log_dir preconfigured automatically):

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks

callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=..., **cfg["services"]["tensorboard"])
  • train_early_stopping: defines params for an EarlyStopping callback that must monitor a train metric:

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks

  • validation_early_stopping: defines params for an EarlyStopping callback that must monitor a validation metric:

from tensorflow.python.keras import callbacks
